Custom Color


Ranbar Pigment

Provide standard samples: provide samples of colors (color cards or products with the required colors, etc.) and request performance (temperature resistance, weather resistance, acid and alkali resistance, etc.);

Production samples: The required amount of Pigment shall be one part, and the masterbatch is determined according to the amount required by the customer's sample;

Customer Confirmation: Confirm OK/NO

Does not meet the standard: there is a difference with the customer's needs;

Re-adjustment: Re-adjust and produce samples according to the customer's original standard or customer's new requirements;

Customer orders: Customers place orders according to their needs;

Mass production: according to the order placed by the customer;

Delivery: The produced products are delivered to the customer's designated location.

Contact Us
Ranbar Chemical Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Tel: 0086 400 006 1223

Address:9F, block a, building 1, 1555 Greenland Avenue, Kunshan, Jiangsu

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